Golf Tournament Software

Closest To The Pin

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Closest To The Pin
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Check our Golf Software pricing plans

"The ideal payment plan for your Golf Club is determined by the layout of your golf course.

For a standard 18-hole course, we recommend the Basic Plan.

If your Golf Club features loops, the Pro Plan would be more suitable.

For clubs that travel internationally or wish to manage their own Par 3 or 4 tournaments at different venues, we suggest the Pro+ Plan with the Travel Kit, available under the 'Menu Pricing'."

Pro Plan

More than one Golf Course
49/per month*
  • 3 Golfclub admins
  • 3 Golf Courses
  • Free for all golf players
  • Historical data
  • Unlimited Tournaments
  • Tournament planning
Testimonials from Golf Clubs

What Golf Managers Say

We have been saving hours of work each month since we have gotten Closest to the pin software in to our Golf Club reducing our administration costs .

Poul Ditlev

Golfmanager, Hammel Golf club